• Strategic Financial Advice

    Our purpose is to help those who aspire to financial security achieve the best possible outcomes from the resources at their disposal.

  • Retirement Planning

    "Will I have enough to retire comfortably?"

    "Can I be sure I won't run out of money in retirement?"

    "Can I have my own retirement savings and also receive Centrelink benefits?"

    We can provide the answers to these and any other retirement planning questions you may have.

  • UK Pension Transfer

    We assist UK migrants (and returning expats) in transferring their (eligible) UK pension funds from the UK to Australia as a lump sum.

  • Personal Insurance

    For those of you in the wealth-building phase of life, your ability to achieve your desired financial objectives depends on being able to set aside funds over the long term.

Welcome to Paramount Financial Solutions

Money - love it, or hate it, none of us can do without it.

When it comes to money, we either work for it, or it works for us.

We all, one day, want to move from the first stage to the second.

Helping you achieve that, and protecting you along the journey, is what we do.

No matter how grand or modest your financial aspirations, we can help.

The one thing all our clients have in common is they recognise that, instead of running the risk of getting out of their depth, it makes sense to seek the assistance of professionals.

We take the weight of responsibility for managing your financial affairs from your shoulders and place it on ours.

Our mission statement is "Helping you build a better tomorrow by making the most from what you have today".

And, given time is your greatest ally when it comes to wealth creation, there's no better time to talk to us than RIGHT NOW!

Learn more

enquire today!


Objective investment analysis and advice.


An integral component of any financial plan.

Banking & finance

Professional assistance with your banking and borrowing needs and choices.


Analysis and recommendations from our panel of preferred insurers.

Legal & Estate Planning

Referral to and liaison with specialist Estate Planning lawyers.

Retirement income planning

Your money working for you; NOT you working for money.

UK Pension Transfer

We are the WA branch of Sterling Planners, Australia's premier UK pension transfer specialists.

Aged Care

We can help you through the financial minefield of residential aged care.

Solving your
financial "jigsaw puzzle"

A sound financial plan is like a jigsaw puzzle - if all the pieces are not in the right place, you can't get the complete picture.

We will work in concert with your other professional advisers to devise a plan to ensure all elements of your financial plan are appropriately addressed and align with each other.

Latest News

Don’t give the taxman more than his due!

We may not like it, but we all understand that we have an obligation to contribute to the “greater good” in the form of tax. And, we all understand that we must pay tax to cover the costs of the things we collectively utilise, including bureaucracy, health, infrastructure and education, to name but a few uses of our tax dollars. That’s all well and good, but it’s common sense that we all ensure that we only pay our fair share and no more. ...

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Nothing to see here!

Financial advisers are continually frustrated by mainstream media's obsession with "doomsaying" with even the smallest of downturns in sharemarkets....

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